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We understand how important it is to have an up to date Will. By having a valid Will it makes it easier for your executors to distribute your assets in the way that you want them following your death.

If you die without a valid Will, then the law determines how your assets are distributed.

At Tracey Arnold & Associates Lawyers we can help provide assistance for a range of matters relating to Wills, Probate & Estate Planning, including help with:

  • Preparing and updating Wills
  • Assist you if you have been appointed an Executor in a Will
  • Applying for Probate - where there is a valid Will
  • Applying for Letters of Administration - where there is no or no valid Will
  • Probate and Administration of Estate
  • Family Provisions Act claims
  • Preparing and drafting Power of Attorneys including enduring
  • Preparing and drafting Enduring Power of Guardianships

Please contact us for more information or to arrange an appointment.

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